Saturday, October 29, 2011

Never a Smooth Road to Growing Habaneros in LOS

The plants are fine as the pods grow, mature, rot, and fall; 30+ pods lost to the never ending rain.
Despite my best efforts, the constant soaking is taking it's toll on the pods.
The irony is thick; I quit planting in pots for the very reason of water logged soil because of the monsoons.
But this year has been an especially wet one and even though the plants are doing okay, the pods are not maturing before the rot settles in and they go to ground.
The Costa reds are producing huge quantities of pods; but alas, for naught.
We're coming out of the rain as the year advances; we've escaped the floods, but not the rain. So be it; I'm confident the winter will bear fruit; pun intended.
Cheers and good growing to all...

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