Saturday, November 20, 2010

Malathion; Aphids and White Flys

Unfortunately I've had to temporarily abandon organic growing because of a very serious Aphid and White Fly infestation. I had to act quickly because the organic remedies were not working.
Having used this product in the states I am familiar with it and it's relatively low toxicity to humans and other mammals. Malathion also degrades fairly quickly in sunlight and air exposure.
It acted immediately upon application and totally eliminated the aphids and white fly's. I had used Carbosulfan (carbamate) before but was never comfortable with it because it's considerably more toxic than malathion.
Malathion is available here in Thailand as malathion in the larger agricultural supply shops. As with any insecticide/herbicide/fungicide follow the directions on the label and do your home-work researching the Internet.
A recommended veggie and fruit wash is a vinegar/water solution; 1:3 vinegar to water.


  1. hi there ,
    i have tried all the organic solutions that i can find here in malaysia but i still have problem with ahpids and white flys! my recovering habanero plant just had its new shoots out and i was also shifting the pot around ..still.... yesterday i discovered that the ants manage to bring aphids to the plant!!!. morning i gave neem spray but it was not working so last night i had to use malathion to kill the aphids and ants. killed on the spot.

  2. Hi sri,
    Me too, and they just don't work well enough; that's why I went with works. I've aslo been advised to go with a once a week application. Cheers.
