Sorry, but growing here is a constant challenge (as should be obvious) and I'll be giving it another go here in September or October.
It seems it's one thing (insects) or another (bad seeds) and I just get worn out battling the galoots.
I know I've been remiss in follow through lately; but there has been absolutely nothing to report.
All of my past posts are relevant and should be at least a guide for ways to deal with the many, myriad, challenges to successful growing of non-native peppers.
It is possible that one can only grow for a season and then must break so the insects and soil can not set a pattern. My first year the fruit fly's (not like in the west[these are vile bastards that drill and lay eggs]) were not a problem. The second year they 100% destroyed every pepper. So, one has to be flexible and go with whatever flow nature dictates.
Cheers and thank you to my loyal followers; my e-mail works and I answer it asap. I've been re-miss here and please forgive me that.
Cheers again and all the best; grow on...