Wednesday, February 24, 2010

This is when gnarly is beautiful...

Our little beauties;



  1. Good evening dear sir,

    i came across your website looking for tips in growing and germinating habaneros and other more exotic/ non-native seeds. I live in the PHilippines
    and i have been having trouble germinating my seeds which i bought off of a local that sells seeds. I am worried that the seeds i acquired from him are not viable. Do you have any tips for me? I have been trying to gwt them to sprout for 2 weeks now and to no avail. Maybe you could sell me some of your seed and i'll gladly pay for whatever you think is appropriate. I have noticed fresh seeds from fully ripened fruit are best to use for best results. Maybe u have some fresh seed you can spare for a fellow pepper lover? Thank you.

  2. Hi Franz, sorry to miss your comment. I am still figuring out the comment thing here.
    Some seeds take up to 60 days to germinate; especially C. chinense. Be patient. I don't have any seeds for sale at this time, sorry.

  3. If you'll contact me via my e-mail; with the germinating medium (what are you planting them in?) you're using, what kind of seeds, and the temperatures your dealing with.
